CyberSeed is a virtual forum for cybersecurity founders to connect, communicate and learn from each other. We bring the best founders to share their wins, war stories and scars.

CyberSeed's Next Event

First Speaker Name

Hamza Fodderwala

Hamza Fodderwala

Join us on 01/18/2023 from 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EST.

Join us for our first event of 2024 on Thursday, January 18th at 12:00 pm PT / 3:00 pm ET with Hamza Fodderwala, Lead Cybersecurity Analyst at Morgan Stanley Equity Research. During this session, Hamza will provide us with a rewind of what happened in the cyber market in 2023 across major breaches, venture funding, M&As and IPOs, and what we can learn as we jump into 2024. He will also share what he's hearing on the ground from conversations on customer buying patterns with public company CEOs, CFOs and CISOs.